Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I was given the Stylish Blogger Award by Rachel. Thank you so much!

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Write seven things about yourself.
3. Pass on to seven other bloggers.
4. Tell the seven awardees of their award!

Seven things about me:
1.) I am a christian and love the Lord!
2.) I am a native New Mexican! I was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM.
3.) I started papercrafting in 2005 and have been addicted ever since. It's all I think about.
4.) I am a mother to 2 beautiful kids! One girl and one boy.
5.) I LOVE to cook and bake! I love cookbooks, cooking magazines, kitchen gadgets, food network and anything that has to do with the kitchen!
6.) My goal someday is to be a Close to my Heart Director.
7.) I have known my very best friend in the whole wide world since I was in 2nd grade! She is like the sister I never had! I'm so blessed to have her in my life :)

Now, I bestow this award upon:
1.) Aaron at Booth #32
2.) Amy at Amy Art from the Heart
3.) Kim at Kim's Attitudes
4.) Annette at My Creative Journey
5.) Kerry at Kerry's Craft Blog
6.) Bobie at Scrappy and Crafty
7.) Lorrinda st Isn't that Sweet

Enjoy and remember "Stamp Happy"! I hope you play along and help your fellow bloggers obtain some new "followers" ;)


  1. Thanks for the award Karen, I would love to play along!

  2. Thanks so much for the sweet award Karen! I'll be sure to pass it on!
